From Alibaba To Amazon: How To Build A Successful E-Commerce Business 2023


Due to the simplicity and profit margins, buying things from Alibaba and selling them on Amazon has become one of the most popular practices.

This article is intended to address all of your questions and concerns so that you can make well-informed purchasing decisions if you’re a seller wondering how to sell Alibaba products on Amazon. So, here see how to sell From Alibaba to Amazon.

Is Sell from Alibaba to Amazon Safe?

You should be aware of several serious safety risks. Because now you are familiar with the fundamentals of selling on Amazon PPC Agency from Alibaba. Because there are many fraudulent middlemen who are actually resellers rather than manufacturers, Alibaba is a well-known marketplace that aims to cut out the middlemen.

Despite the fact that this business strategy is legal, the risk-to-return ratio is fairly high. One error could result in the permanent suspension of your Amazon account. Therefore, it’s crucial to do your research before purchasing items from Alibaba in order to ultimately sell them on Amazon.

There are numerous policies in place to protect both consumers and manufacturers.

  • You may engage with manufacturers on Alibaba, so make the most of this opportunity by requesting business licenses, verifications, and contact details. Ask as many questions as you can about the products, and ask for samples and factory photos to determine their genuineness. All of the information empowers you to make wise purchasing choices.
  • Trade Assurance is one of these alternatives. If the standard and timeliness of your order aren’t up to par, this alternative gives a money-back guarantee from accredited providers. Consider gold suppliers as yet another premium option.
  • You can always report supplier issues to Alibaba, and they’ll handle them in the appropriate way. Anti-fraud programs are in place to prevent innocent purchasers from being duped.
  • Suppliers who opt out of the Trade Assurance program must additionally through a number of verification procedures. Customers can check the badges on product listings to identify trustworthy suppliers. Each supplier earns a badge based on the amount of verification they successfully complete.

Many Amazon merchants utilize Alibaba as their primary source of merchandise because of its user-friendly interface and low prices. Due to its lower cost of doing business than, say, the United States or Canada, China is where the majority of the manufacturers you’ll find on the platform are located.

Through Alibaba’s search tool, merchants may currently find thousands of suppliers for the goods they want to sell. The question then becomes, how to sell From Alibaba to Amazon?

How to Sell from Alibaba to Amazon FBA?

 Sell from Alibaba to Amazon FBA

A significant portion of Amazon vendors now sources their goods from Alibaba. The dependability and user-friendliness of Alibaba are the main causes of the trend. You might infer that another aspect is the fair price of the company’s goods.

Alibaba is the subject of numerous questions, but what about manufacturers? They don’t own Alibaba, therefore you should be aware of a few things when shopping there.

See below how to sell From Alibaba to Amazon.

Product Research:

The initial stage in the selling process is to find the perfect product. The tools provided by SellerApp might help you with your product research. Your investigation’s primary objective should be to identify products with a high likelihood of producing lots of sales. You ought to be able to get it for a fair price, buy it, then sell it again for a profit.

To improve the likelihood of sales, it is critical to choose a product with a sizeable market. Furthermore, a high best-seller rank (BSR) shows that the product is well-liked and has a higher likelihood of being bought by clients.

In order to rank better in Amazon’s search results, it will be easier to rank higher if there is little competition in the product category. For maximizing profits and making the company financially viable, it’s critical to have a strong profit margin and return on investment (ROI).

For more information, look at comparable items and the Amazon Best Seller lists. To avoid competing against numerous other merchants, concentrate on product niches that are not oversaturated. You should look for a gap in the market, especially if you are a new seller, so it will be simpler for you to enter and begin making money.

Check Prices:

It’s time to collect prices for your goods from potential suppliers once you’ve decided which products to sell. You only need to visit the Alibaba website and select Services Sourcing Solutions Submit RFQ from there.

You can include comprehensive details about your goods, including their quantity, description, and so forth. Similarly to that, you might get in touch with the supplier and express your interest in their offerings. Create a template first. The language should be straightforward, formal, and simple.


You can message your chosen vendors to get further information now that you’ve determined which ones meet your criteria. The ultimate objective is to identify which vendors satisfy your fundamental needs and which do not. You should purchase items from several suppliers on Alibaba, depending on your budget.

I typically speak with 5–10 vendors and record the information in an Excel or Google Sheet. When you begin working with suppliers, you’ll attempt to obtain a sample of the goods.

Acquire Your Samples:

When your product is gone, it’s time to purchase a sample. The cost of the samples may vary more from the product’s suggested retail price. If you sell Amazon Private Label products that have been expressly customized, the cost may be significantly higher.


It is alluring to buy things from Alibaba to sell on Amazon because the Chinese suppliers have affordable costs. Sellers can get good ROI and profit margins with this method. On the other hand, there are hazards involved in placing orders on Alibaba.

For instance, the products you source can end up being of bad quality and not look exactly like the photo. Other risks include running into a dishonest supplier or committing payment transaction fraud. Additionally, it is possible for a manufacturer to deliver high-quality samples but subpar large orders.

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