How To Start A Lawn Care Business? A Beginner’s Guide to Lawn Care Business

Lawn Care Business

Starting a lawn care business does not require any specific education or degree. You just need to know how to take care of a lawn and use every tool. In this article, you will learn everything from starting a business to legal matters. Hence, if you want to learn how to start a lawn care business legally, read on through to the end of the article.

With the growing backyards and lawns, the demand for people who can take care of lawns is increasing. Homeowners expect their lawns to be full of fresh grasses and clean lawns. However, if you have already decided that you want to start a lawn care business, then you must know that lawn care takes energy, time, and skill, and most owners lack these thing

Starting A Lawn Care Business – A General Overview

Starting A Lawn Care Business - A General Overview

Who doesn’t want a well-maintained lawn? – It is completely natural for people to want to have a good-looking lawn just outside their homes. However, not everyone has the time (or even the desire) to maintain the lawn by themselves. Hence, in most cases, they try to hire people who can maintain and beautify their lawns.

According to,

If you’re considering starting a lawn care business, you already know that lawn care takes time and energy that most homeowners don’t have. While it might seem like all you need is a lawn mower, and the time to start selling your services, proper preparation can help your business grow. With the right planning, you can extend well beyond just mowing and move into other in-demand services.

As per the data of June 2024, there are nearly 640,000 lawn care businesses in the United States, and this number will grow shortly. From 2009 to 2017, a single household, on average, spent $503 in lawn care services.

The industry is also projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.6% from 2024 to 2029. The estimated market size will potentially hit a mark of $189.7 billion.

However, if you are looking to start your lawn care business, you must understand that this is not a simple task. To start a proper lawn care business, you will need to consider a variety of aspects. This includes meticulous planning, financial management, legal arrangements, marketing, and lastly, deciding what kind of services you are willing to offer.

Hence to start a lawn care business, you will need to consider the various pros and cons of the market and various factors that business owners need to be aware of:

Pros Of Starting A Lawn Care Business

The following are the major pros of starting a lawn care business from which you can get benefitted:

  • You will have a stable income, as your clients will want you to repeat your visit if they like your services.
  • You will not have to spend much initially.
  • You can scale up your business, despite having humble beginnings.
  • You can diversify your offerings which in turn can help you get work seasonally.

Cons Of Starting A Lawn Care Business

The following are a few cons of starting a lawn care business that you need to be aware of:

  • You will have to provide additional services, like using a better quality machine, special fertilizers, bug treatment, etc.
  • There are plenty of competitors in the market. Hence, research is essential.
  • In many areas, the requirement for lawn care services is seasonal.
  • Based on the economic situation of the area, you can lose clients.

How To Start A Lawn Care Business?

How To Start A Lawn Care Business
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So, what steps do you need to follow when you are starting a business? 

From buying different tools, selling services, and growing the business to finding clients. There are different aspects of a lawn care business. Here are the steps.

1. Lawn Care Services

Lawn Care Services

First, decide what services you can give to your clients. There are so many services when it comes to lawn care services. There are several landscaping businesses where the businesses provide pond and pavement services. So, you need to decide where your team has the expertise. You can check the list. 

  • Mulching, Weeding, and gardening work
  • Planting native lawns
  • Lawn installation
  • Seasonal services (like in winter, removing snow and raking leaves)
  • Sale of lawn care products (insecticide, fertilizer, etc.)

You can start your business by helping your neighborhood houses. This will help you in both ways, the first one is that you can sharpen your skills, and the second one is that this act will market you and your work. Also, the services you give are related to your business’s cost. The more services you are thinking of giving, the more it will cost you. 

Legal Matters

This is the most important thing for any business. Before buying the equipment and collecting the initial cost, the time has come to sort out every legal matter. A lawn care business can be a seasonal job, part-time job, or full-time income source. Now coming to the list that you should take care of.

3. Licensing Requirements

Though a landscaping business doesn’t require a proper license, when there are herbicides and pesticides, you need to take care of the state and country’s permission.

Business License

So, you want to pay federal taxes? Then you must make your business a legal entity for that. I would suggest you lose the connection between your personal and business assets.

4. Lawn Care Equipment 

Lawn Care Equipment 

So, you are ready with the services and legal matters. Now it is time to buy the equipment that you will need for your business. Remember, the more good your equipment will be, the more good service you can give to your clients.

After the legal matters, this is the second thing that will be included in your budget. Here, I am giving a couple of things that you will need.

  • Mower
  • String Trimmer
  • Edger
  • Lead Blower
  • Safety Ear Muffs
  • Mowing Googles
  • Gas Cans
  • Gardening Gloves
  • Lawn Bags

When it comes to giving services, you will also need a truck to transport your equipment. Without a truck, taking things from the garage to your client’s house will be impossible. 

5. Protect Your Business

Protect Your Business

Suppose, you start your business and do great work. There is a huge opportunity for your business can grow. And one day, a legal person comes to you and shuts off your business. So, you need to protect your business from anything.

This is why I suggested separating your personal and business assets. Also, do not forget to make lawn care business insurance.

For example, you can ask me, what did I imply by anything?

Suppose a family is asked to spray pesticides. And you do that with effort, energy, and full cost. After a couple of days, a child gets sick. The family can sue you for medical costs.

If your business is not protected, then there will be many cases that can go against you. So it is important to protect your business

6. Lawn Care Business Prices

Lawn Care Business Prices

After you set up your business, it is time to fix the prices. One thing is clear: you need to select the prices according to the market, competitors, and services you offer. There are different factors that work behind the price. 

  • The first thing is to identify your consumers. Next, you need to know how they can pay you.
  • Market understanding is very important. For example, suppose your competitors are asking $100, and you are asking $150 for the same services. That will not work.
  • Before starting your business, make sure how you are going to charge. There are different charging options hourly, daily, weekly, or even contractual.
  • There are other factors where you need to expense, and you must have to make a profit, so go through your expenses, like taxes, insurance, cell phone cost, vehicle cost, gas, equipment maintenance, and services you are providing.

Lawn Care vs Landscaping Business: What’s the Difference?

You can start your lawn care business with the steps and the guides provided above. However, remember that lawn care and landscaping businesses aren’t the same. Yes, they are heavily related. But, never too similar. 

A lawn care business focuses on maintaining the health of a grassy lawn through tasks such as fertilizing and weed control. On the other hand, a landscaping business has a broader approach. It takes a broader approach atothe garden. 

It often includes designing and installing different elements in the garden, like plants, pathways, patios,andd tools, and decorating the outdoor space. 

Sometimes, they have to go beyond the grass and take care of the entire garden and its aesthetic appeal. Landscaping is more about design, while lawn care is limited to lawns and their care. Following are the main differences between the lawn care and the landscaping businesses –


Lawn care businesses focus solely on the lawn and the steps needed to take care of the grass and the lawn. On the other hand, the landscaping business takes care of a wide range of activities like planting tres and fixing landscape patios, walkways, and fences. 


The main works in the lawn care business include mowing, weeding, aeration, and pest control. Landscaping on the other hand,  includes design planning, installation of hardscapes, and sometimes they also do gardening. 

Aesthetic emphasis:

Lawn care aims to deliver a neat and healthy lawn. On the other hand, landscaping focuses on creating an appealing outdoor space that has abetter design elements alongside a beautifully designed garden.

Frequently Asked Questions!! (FAQs):

Here are some interesting questions and answers.

Q1. How Profitable Is A Lawn Care Business?

Ans: Profit depends on many factors, I won’t mention every factor. But the main factors are the region you are giving services to, summer or winter time, and your client. However, a successful lawn care business can make up to $80,000 per year. 

Q2. How Can I Get Lawn Care Customers Fast?

Ans: Here are a couple of ways to get customers fast.
⦿ Use existing network
⦿ Offer referrals and discounts
⦿ Create an attractive business page
⦿ Utilize every social media channel
⦿ Marketing through distributing brochures and pamphlets 

Q3. How Do I Advertise A Small Lawn Care Business?

Ans: Here are some effective ways to advertise a small lawn care business.
⦿ Social networking
⦿ Paid ads
⦿ Spread lawn care business cards
⦿ Door hangers
⦿ Word of mouth
⦿ Direct mail
⦿ Brochures.

Further Words

Now that you know almost everything about starting a lawn care business and getting clients, you must know how to market your business properly. Remember, a good client base is the key to success. In the starting time, you only need a couple of families to ensure that your business is running properly. I hope that you can build a good lawn care business.

Let us know in the comment section below if you want to know any further details.

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