How To Start A Business As A Garden Designer?

garden designer

Starting a garden designing business would require more market research skills than garden designing. Although it helps to have skills and experience in the domain, running the business requires more than garden designing skills. 

You need proper market research, analyze customer behaviors, get necessary licenses, and maintain compliance while also building your portfolio. 

In 2024, the garden designing industry boasts a market size worth $182.76 billion in 2024. From 2024 to 2029, the industry has projected growth at a CAGR of 2.53%. So, it’s clear that you can take advantage of the growing trend to start your garden design business.

But is this business right for you? What are the right steps for getting into a garden design business? Read this article to find all the answers related to starting your garden design business.

Who Should Start a Garden Design Business?

What Qualifications Must A Garden Designer Have?

Four things matter the most when you want to start your business as a professional garden designer. Ask yourself these questions to determine if this is the right business direction you  must take –

Let’s explore these areas:- 

  • You must possess a bachelor’s degree in a plant-related field, especially in botany. 
  • Having a diploma in Garden design is an added advantage. 
  • You need to create a portfolio that showcases that you can create desirable garden designs. 
  • Real-world gardening experience and communication skills can increase your chances of success.   
  • Good communication skills. 
  • You need to know a lot about horticulture. 

So, how to start a landscaping business?  We will get to that shortly, but you must also identify if you have the qualifications and the resources needed to start a business as a garden designer. Read more.

What Qualifications Must A Garden Designer Have?

What Are The Job Roles Of A Garden Designer?

To become successful in this landscape, you need the requisite knowledge of plants, landscaping, and garden design. Here are some qualifications that you must possess if you want to succeed –

  • First, you must discuss your ideas with your clients and gather their take on this matter. You can cross-check their preferences for particular flowers, plants, and colors. The way they want to use the garden. 
  • You can visit your client’s place to see the shape and size of their garden. 
  • After that, you need to prepare a summary of your client’s needs and estimate the fees for designing the garden. 
  • Cross-check the acidity of the soil and drainage system of the area, and figure out the exact measurement of the place. 
  • You can produce the plans and sketches to get your client’s approval to start your work. 
  • Select the best people who can do the work for you efficiently. 
  • Ensure the ease of availability of plants, shrubs, and trees. 
  • Look out for the work for the outside contractors. 

If you’d care for some practical advice, then it would be great to find out who operates in this landscape in your area. Go to Google Maps and find “best garden designer near me.” 

The results you will get are your potential competitors. It would help to communicate with them to understand the nature of the business. Also, they can help you with several tips and potential challenges you’ll face while starting out.

What Are The Job Roles Of A Garden Designer? 

Garden designing is a very creative work, and you are excited about this brand-new journey.  However, does that mean 

  • First, you must discuss your ideas with your clients and gather their take on this matter. You can cross-check their preferences for particular flowers, plants, and colors. The way they want to use the garden. 
  • You have to visit the client’s garden to see the capacity of work you need to deliver. 
  • Preparing a summary of your client’s needs and estimating the fees are also part of the job of a garden designer. 
  • Cross-checking the acidity of the soil and drainage system of the area and figuring out the exact measurement of the place.  
  • Based on all the findings, you have to plan and get your client’s approval to start your work. 
  • Find the right garden designers and assistants who can help.
  • Ensure the ease of availability of plants, shrubs, and trees. 
  • Look out for the work for the outside contractors.

It might seem daunting at the start, but you’ll get the hang of all the tasks as you spend some time running the business and handling few clients. However, if you think you need to improve some of your skills in the domain, you can always get help from a career coach or a mentor.

Steps To Start Your Garden Designing Business?   

Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow to start your garden design business. You can follow them to start your business from planning to execution. 

1. Complete Your Research   

Complete Your Research

The first step to starting your gardening business is to start with complete and authentic research about the industry and the market needs. Before committing to a particular business model, you must do market research.    

Identify the fact of what your competitors are doing. Also, find out what they are not doing. Finally, try to figure out the problem of the market and devise a foolproof strategy to solve it. 

Make the weak point of your competitors your strength and start capitalizing on it. Only then can you become a market leader in this field of business? 

2. Write A Business Plan 

Write A Business Plan

There are different kinds of garden designers now; you have to select which form of garden design you want to build your business. For example, you can be a flower garden designer now you must have complete knowledge about different flowers. 

Along with knowing the flower, you need to know the soil and climate where this flower can bloom properly. Then, try to figure out the perfect plan to boost your business. 

Only a complete 360-degree business plan can help you succeed in this field. 

3. Get The Required Qualification   

Get The Required Qualification

You require a professional degree and qualification to start your gardening business. You cannot just start with the sake of love for this business. 

Now you need to know the land rules where you want to set up your gardening business. Degrees in botany and plant study can be an added advantage. You must select the best garden designer in your team who can help you as per your need.   

You can become a successful garden designer once you have the degree and knowledge of gardening. First, you need to have complete knowledge of horticulture. You need to sharpen your design and gardening skills to stay ahead of the competition. 

Consider The Legal Implication

A renowned garden designer Milwaukee, once said that if you want to run a successful gardening business, you must be well aware of the law of the land. 

Financing, accounting, taxation, and employee needs to keep in mind if you want to excel in this field. In addition, you cannot evade the legal implications on you. 

The land where you want to start your gardening business has permission to do gardening or not. You have to cross-check these facts on your end. You need to have public liability insurance and professional indemnity. 

5. Know Your Limitations   

Know Your Limitations

You can be a covent garden designer but for that, you need to know which types of plants or vegetables do not hurt the fertility of the soil. You cannot afford to do costly mistakes for which you have to pay later on. 

Plan out things with the help of your accountant the amount of money you can invest and the amount of time you need to incur the returns. Calculate the prices of the equipment which you need, and the total number of men you require. 

You must create a complete 360-degree plan which can boost your business to the next level. Ensure that the chances of errors must be as less as possible. 

6. Develop A Backup Plan 

Develop A Backup Plan

You cannot expect huge profits in the initial days of your gardening business. The first target you can make here is to provide quality services to your clients at an affordable rate. It will help you to reach the break-even point quickly. 

You must keep your working capital ready to easily complete your daily task. It will boost your chances of getting the break-even point within a shorter version of time. You can select your flower design style to meet your budget. 

Once the process is done, it will become helpful for you to suit your business needs within your calculated time frame.

What Is It Like To Be A Garden Designer? 

A lot of people feel that being a garden designer and a gardener are the same job roles; however, that is not the case. The two jobs are interrelated but never the same. 

The work of designing is no less than art. The intricacy that is related to designing a garden is beautiful and never fails. In case you wish to be a garden designer but are unsure how it may turn out, here are what two of the most successful garden designers have to say about the job. 

Butter Wakefield 

Butter Wakefield

“I think one of the most important things a person must have before embarking on a career in garden design is a deep love for the outdoors, no matter what the weather. The work can be brutally hard, cold, and filthy – it isn’t at all glamorous most of the time. It’s a complicated job which requires many different skills and disciplines to do well.”

If you want to excel in this field, be prepared to touch the filth and say goodbye to a perfectly done manicure. 

“One must have an understanding of good design principles, construction, drainage, soil, as well as a firm grasp on site specific growing conditions and plant suitability. This all might sound daunting and even a bit terrifying but it’s what makes the job rewarding and interesting. There is so much to learn, and this takes years and years. I still learn something new in almost every project we do, which is pretty remarkable and humbling.”

Tabi Jackson Gee

Tabi Jackson Gee

“While plants are an important part of a garden, most garden designers also design lots of other elements too, such as pergolas, studios, swimming pools, sunken fire pits. So learning to use CAD and do technical drawings is really important.There are so many brilliant garden designers coming up in the industry and everyone is very supportive of each other.”

If you want to succeed in this field, you will have to go out there and take the first step. Unless you start walking, no one is going to give you the hand to run. 

“My job is largely desk-based, but I do enjoy working on site and designing en plein air with a pencil and a piece of paper. It’s so important to spend time in the landscape you’re working with and it means I fulfill my need to be outdoors – and often in the countryside – which is glorious! Working as a garden designer is challenging but very rewarding – you can’t control much and that’s part of the fun.”

What Is It Like To Be A Garden Designer? 

A lot of people feel that being a garden designer and a gardener are the same job roles; however, that is not the case. The two jobs are interrelated but never the same. 

The work of designing is no less than art. The intricacy that is related to designing a garden is beautiful and never fails. In case you wish to be a garden designer but are unsure how it may turn out, here are what two of the most successful garden designers have to say about the job. 

Butter Wakefield 

“I think one of the most important things a person must have before embarking on a career in garden design is a deep love for the outdoors, no matter what the weather. The work can be brutally hard, cold, and filthy – it isn’t at all glamorous most of the time. It’s a complicated job which requires many different skills and disciplines to do well.”

If you want to excel in this field, be prepared to touch the filth and say goodbye to a perfectly done manicure. 

“One must have an understanding of good design principles, construction, drainage, soil, as well as a firm grasp on site specific growing conditions and plant suitability. This all might sound daunting and even a bit terrifying but it’s what makes the job rewarding and interesting. There is so much to learn, and this takes years and years. I still learn something new in almost every project we do, which is pretty remarkable and humbling.”

Tabi Jackson Gee

“While plants are an important part of a garden, most garden designers also design lots of other elements too, such as pergolas, studios, swimming pools, sunken fire pits. So learning to use CAD and do technical drawings is really important. There are so many brilliant garden designers coming up in the industry and everyone is very supportive of each other.”

If you want to succeed in this field, you will have to go out there and take the first step. Unless you start walking, no one is going to give you the hand to run. 

“My job is largely desk-based, but I do enjoy working on-site and designing en plein air with a pencil and a piece of paper. It’s so important to spend time in the landscape you’re working with and it means I fulfill my need to be outdoors – and often in the countryside – which is glorious! Working as a garden designer is challenging but very rewarding – you can’t control much and that’s part of the fun.”

FAQ( Frequently Asked Questions)    

1. Is There Any Free Landscaping App? 

iScape does consist of a free version of the landscaping app which can help you to meet your objectives with ease. Only one limitation is there it does not provide you full access to the software database. 

2. How Much Does Garden Designer Software Cost?

The Garden designer software will cost you around $10 to $100 per month. You can select the program according to your budget. Ignore purchasing very expensive software as it will cost you more.

3. What Is The Career Scope In Garden Designing? 

The career scope of green designing is huge in the market. You cannot ignore its importance in the long run as you will receive the maximum benefit of learning and earning from this field in future.

Develop Your Garden Designing Business With Ease 

Hence, if you want to become successful in your gardening business, then you must take care of the mentioned points. Work out the perfect plans to get things done in the right order. Ensure you must design the perfect business plan to become successful in it. 

You can share your comments in the comment box if you require more tips on this matter. Ignore gossip and believe in reality. People will say lots of things before you start your business. Once you become successful, they will witness it later on.

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