Event Planning News: How to Use Best Event Planning Trends?

Event Planning News

Even with the phone in your clutch and all the latest news coming as a notification, it’s possible to scroll past the most important news. The same goes for the event planning news.

If you are in the event planning industry, there’s no way you can let the latest trend become a miss. As a result, the role of the event planner demands you to know the best event planning trends that will rule in 2025.

But where would you find them? This article lists the best event planning news to keep your business floated high in the coming year.

It is important to talk about practices and trends that are significant when it comes to event planning in 2025. Here are the 5 trends you must know if you are in the event planning industry –

Go for Multifunction Versatility

If you are watching out for the latest event planning news, then here’s something you must know. Most people are looking for value-added events where they have more to take away from. They are looking for utility in everything, and that includes events regarding any niche (whether buying a house or discussing the job market),

How to Utilize this Event Planning News?

Here’s how to follow this event planning trend to make the most out of your events–

Give your audience more than what they expected out of the event. It includes everything from giving them additional benefits to the content and the activities the attendees participate in. You can offer your attendees the best ways to connect.

However, how do you want to go through this phase? Here’s how –

You can also print an overview of the schedule on the back of the name tags.

But, if you have planned a swag bag giveaway, include “save the date” for the events.

  • Print an overview of the schedule on the back of name tags,
  • If you give away a swag bag, include a “save the date” for next year’s event.

Yes, this is trendy. But, more importantly, it’s an eco-conscious and cost-conscious way of rewarding your attendees.

Business leaders always have certain preferences regarding how they want to spend their time and who they want to communicate with throughout an event. It’s best to take a step back and look at all the experiences you want to provide the attendees.

This way, you’re providing your attendees with a takeaway and creating a lasting experience in their minds. You can also expect them to attend the events of the future.

Experiment with Voices

Society has become a lot more diverse and different. Different subsects of opinions and contradictory thought processes conflict with each other. People are always eager to hear ideas that contradict theirs.

How to Utilize this Event Planning News?

One of the industry’s hot topics is offering out-of-the-box thinking and ideas through the event. We don’t think about this always. You can choose an event speaker. You can make it truly special by bringing in keynote speakers from outside the industry. In fact, you can have an event speaker question the best industry practices or talk about popular opinions.

Yes, it might sound a little risky, but that’s a risk worth taking if you want to shape contradictory ideas.

According to research, 70 percent of the attendees are of the opinion that contradictory ideas help create more unique ideas. So, whether the event is about marketing or a specific industry, you can make a lot of changes by having a fresh voice to conduct the event.

Bring Mindfulness

You know that’s the biggest event planning trend of 2024 that’ll get carried forward in 2025? Those are mindfulness and personal wellness. If you think a tour event will succeed if you continue to feed your attendees’ brains session after session, you are wrong. Brain breaks are very important in today’s events.

How to Utilize this Event Planning News?

You don’t want to make the event exhausting for the event attendees. With back-to-back events, lots of notes to take, and multiple vendor booths, there’s a chance that your events are getting boring.

A two- to three-day event isn’t enough to pack in all your events and exhaust the attendees. It is quite demanding for the conference attendees.

While providing too many benefits to the attendees doesn’t hurt, there are ways to make it interesting. Give them time to breathe, relax, reflect, and regroup. Make the event more interesting by adding workshops, outdoor activities, art exhibitions, etc.

Customized Personalization is Terrific

Whether marketing the event online or sharing content for a digital event, there are ways to make the event interesting for your customers. You can use targeted ads, emails, and customized ads on the web platform, etc.

The best way to utilize this event planning trend is by creating a personalized experience for your attendees.

How to Utilize this Event Planning News?

Here’s how you can use this new trend in the event industry for your events –

  • Before the events, ask your attendees to weigh in on the sessions that the event will offer. This way, you can make sure that you are offering what the attendees are looking for. You can make them feel more invested and give them a sense of fulfillment.
  • Create a conference app providing personalized suggestions on activities in real time.  You can use pre-loaded information for this.
  • You can also add customized maps for restaurants and sights of attractions you can find in that location.  It’s possible to add all this into that one app.

Thoughtful Sustainability

It’s common to go green with your events. However, you can push the boundary of using sustainable means by innovating more. You can choose to be more resourceful and use different sustainable means to go green at your events.

How to Utilize This Event Planning News?

As an event planner, keep your eyes and ears open to build social awareness. Use all the social awareness, events, and things that appeal to your attendees and repurpose those in different ways to cater to their interests.

Here’s a trend you must know about: Nowadays, celebrities around the world are favoring products and solutions made out of recyclable content. So, if you are going green, you can use items made using biodegradable or recyclable materials to serve them.

You can use it very simply, like choosing sustainable name tags, food cartoons, and registration bags. On the other hand, you can follow other trends to maintain sustainable event practices by choosing fair-trade food options.

You can donate leftover food or beverages to the community or organizations. You can donate everything you have left over to homeless shelters or to senior homes.


The experimental value for attendees begins with events that are unforgettable. The best way to make the events unforgettable is by offering unexpected on-site experiences to the attendees. This way, not only do you improve your chances of having a better ROI, but you also generate leads for future prospects. You have to start to think like a futurist and incorporate some common cultural trends.

The experiential value of the events creates lasting impressions among the attendees, giving you chances for renewal and generating more business in the process.

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