Event Planning Business Sales Strategy: Working Strategies

Event planning business Sales Strategy

What’s the best event planning business sales strategy?

Let’s get straight to the point. No tips or strategies work in isolation.

You can’t follow the ten strategies mentioned in a video or a blog to generate X number of leads or convert X number of leads into paying customers.

The secret is hidden inside your business plan and what you want to achieve as an event-planning business owner.

It has to be a proven lead generation path that works for you and is unique to how you operate your event planning business. In this article, we have shared some elements you can use to form your event planning business sales strategy that converts more leads.

Again, it’s not about applying tips. It’s all about building a sales strategy that works just for your business. Read on.

1. Social Media Lead Generation

Social media campaigns can take your event planning business to new heights. The biggest event-planning sales strategy lies in the power of social media. Use your event planning business social media channels as your lead-generating machine.

Leverage platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., for lead generation. In fact, there’s lots of scope for developing social media campaigns that help your event planning business generate leads.

  • Make specific targeting when running ads. The targets should be unique for each of the events.
  • Retarget ads.
  • Your campaigns need social proof to build authenticity.
  • Provide offers that are unique and appeal to your audience.
  • Tap into the sponsorships and influencer marketing to boost engagement.

2. Create a Huge Content Library

There’s no marketing without content. Whether it’s a blog post or a video for an Instagram marketing campaign, you need content in different formats (written, images, video, and audio).

So, it’s important to build, develop, catalog, and use a content management system. Digital marketing can sometimes feel quite technical and generic if you don’t consider the nature of the content you need to produce for each platform.

But, if you rely on a properly managed content catalog, you can properly place content on different vertices for event planning marketing.  Also, a well-managed content library gives you the opportunity to repurpose content and personalize your content marketing campaigns for your event planning business. It would be the best idea to hire experts in this field.

3. Optimizing Your Web and Landing Page

The art of making the best event planning sales strategy lies in optimizing your digital presence. It starts with your business creating the fastest, easy-to-navigate website and landing page. Make sure that your event planning business pages are well designed, and the messaging is easy to skim through and understand.

Also, when creating the user experience of your website and landing pages, ensure that it matches the customer journey you have mapped. The website itself works as the sales funnel, leading your event planning to the right page: the landing page. Also, the website must be properly optimized for mobile and website searches. With a better website design and optimized page loading speed, your business has a higher chance of getting more leads.

4. Email marketing

Email marketing isn’t dead. It’s a great event-planning business sales strategy.

How does it help? Well, an audience engaged with your Instagram ad for the events you plan, and they didn’t show further interest afterward. What now? The answer is email marketing. It’s not hard to collect the email addresses of your target audience. Build a list of leads who showed interest in your services.

The next step would be creating personalized emails for those leads to nurture them and keep their interest pointed at your service. Email marketing can take your leads one step ahead to hit the purchase button.

Fuel their interests by sending them the offers and the incentives.  You can also further target them. It helps to understand which lead is in what stage of their purchasing decision. Once you are able to categorize based on their needs and pain points, you can personalize your referrals, event sponsors, and testimonials accordingly.

There are several ways of making this process easier. For example –

  •  You can use email automation and simplify the process of sending mail.
  • Make your email offers easy to understand.
  • Those subject lines must be crispy and attractive.
  • Include specific CTAs and inject links, taking them to the next steps.
  • Email personalization.
  • Your targets must get valuable information from the emails.
  • Follow-up emails are a must.  You must nurture the leads so to improve the chances of converting event planning into business leads.

5. Paid Ads

Social media marketing, email marketing, etc are great. Most importantly, those marketing mediums are free. But what about paid ads? Are paid ads worth it for event planning business sales? Well, they are.

Whether it’s to boost your leads, or to launch a new specific event service, you need to get all the attention span of your targets as you can get. Paid ads aren’t just ads.

But here’s a place where many businesses and marketers make mistakes. Don’t run after paid ads if you don’t have a specific goal in mind.

Before you start creating paid campaigns, it’s best to utilize data and measure your leads, click-through rates, and engagements. Tracking these metrics will equip your event planning business with insights to run meaningful paid ads that convert.

Here are a few key things to remember if you are running paid ads –

  • Define your target audience.
  • Craft your messaging for the right target audience.
  • Allocate your paid ad budget to the right campaigns.
  • Make sure that your offers, graphics, and CTAs are creative.

6. Video Marketing

Relationship-building conversations are great for converting leads into paying customers. There’s no better way than to rely on video ads for creating relationship building conversations.

Video marketing enables your event planning business with the benefits and the opportunities your clients can get. Make sure that your video messaging contains personalized messaging and builds a loyal base of customers.

Entertain, inform, and inspire your audience through the video that you create. Help them take action by leveraging video marketing the right way. The video gives your event planning business the scope to tell your audience what you do and why you’re different.

Here are a few things you can do through video marketing –

  • Outline your past event experience through reels and live videos.
  • Tutorial video that shows how to do something related to an event.
  • Show behind the scenes of the events your company is organizing. Your team and collaborators need to shine through your video.
  • Build social proof and trust through testimonial videos.

7. Don’t Just Host Events, Attend Them as Well

Another great event planning business sales strategy includes telling your event clients about the value of the events you host and are able to create.

The best way to keep your network of clients happy is by holding client appreciation events. Even cocktail parties are great to keep your clients happy and engaged with you all the time.

It’s imperative for an event planner to continuously seek event planning opportunities. The best strategy at all times is to keep track of your top-tier clients.

As you keep engaging more and more, you’ll keep generating more and more leads. The best sales strategy for event planning businesses is to stay engaged with the clients and the leads through digital channels.

Keep Testing Your Strategy!

The best sales strategy for your event planning business is to keep refining what works and identifying the efforts that aren’t driving any results. The strategy must remain dynamic, and a business must keep optimizing it for changes to come.

All the different elements we have discussed for improving your event planning business sales are useful. In fact, most event planning businesses are using these common yet powerful elements to develop a sales strategy that takes the business further ahead. Hopefully, this article was helpful. Did you find this article helpful? Share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you for reading.

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