DoorDash Red Card: How To Set Up And Use It For Best Results?

DoorDash Red Card: How To Set Up And Use It For Best Results?

DoorDash Red Card is one of the most important instruments for DoorDash. A DoorDash driver (Dasher) is able to pay for a customer’s order to a restaurant so as to pick up the order. Once the Dasher delivers to the customer, the latter pays the money to the Dasher.

In this article, you will learn about the DoorDash red card and how it works for its drivers. Apart from that, you will also learn how to set it up and activate it.

What Is A DoorDash Red Card?

What Is A DoorDash Red Card

According to the official website of DoorDash,

The Red Card is a prepaid card that Dashers use to pay for some (but not all) DoorDash orders. Each Dasher receives a Red Card during orientation or when they receive a free welcome gift. (Note: Your earnings will not be deposited on the Red Card, and it is not linked to your bank account.)

There are some orders for which customers do not pay beforehand. However, to retrieve or pick up the order from the restaurant, DoorDash drivers (Dashers) need to pay for the orders. In this case, DoorDash offers red cards to Dashers. With the help of the red card, Dashers are able to pay for the orders. However, red cards are optional for use. But the best part is that they do add to your total earnings.

How To Get A DoorDash Red Card? – Eligibility

How To Get A DoorDash Red Card – Eligibility states –

A red card can be a DoorDash driver’s most prized asset. It allows Dash drivers (or “Dashers”) to pay for a customer’s order when the restaurant or store is not on the DoorDash system and requires a pre-payment. In this way, it offers customers more choice. Red cards are issued as part of the activation, and welcome kits are given to Dashers when they sign up.”

Many people confuse the DoorDash red card with the DoorDash Rewards Mastercard. The former is a prepaid card for those people who drive for DoorDash (DoorDashers). Dashers will be able to use this card to pay for certain orders. This works for those orders where the customer has not yet paid for the order. Hence, these orders are called Red Card orders.

If you are a Dasher, you will receive a red card during your orientation process. Apart from that, you will also be able to choose the red card as a part of your Welcome Kit. In this case, you will get the red card in the mail after you complete your first delivery.

However, in this case, you have to provide your current mailing address so that you receive the kit in the right location. The kit will arrive at your location in seven business days.

How Does The DoorDash Red Card Works?

Once you get the DoorDash red card and activate it on your phone, you will be able to take orders that require it. You will be able to know beforehand whether a given order is a red card order or not. Hence, you can then choose whether to accept it or not.

According to,

When fulfilling a Red Card order, you may see something like “Pay with Red Card” in the app. You can then use the card at the intended location to pay for the order. […] DoorDash will add the exact amount of funds needed to the Red Card before you reach your destination. This means you won’t have to worry about payment or tips. You also won’t need to keep any receipts unless specifically requested.”

However, there are cases when the Door Dash red card is declined. A situation like this mostly happens if the DoorDash app does not require a card, but you still try to use it.

If you face a situation where your card is not working in proper order, you should check the app. Here, make sure that whether the app really requires the DoorDash red card or not.

If the app does require the card, sign out of your Dasher account and uninstall the app from your phone. After a few minutes, install the app again on your device and log in to your Dasher account. Try to connect to the card again. If it still does not work, consider contacting the DoorDash support team on the Dasher app.

How To Activate DoorDash Red Card?

It is pretty simple to activate the DoorDash red card on your phone. However, the activation process depends on the device you are using.

The following are the significant ways you can activate it on your phone:

Activation On Android

If you are using an Android and you want to activate your DoorDash red card, here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Install the DoorDash Dasher app from your Google Play Store.

Step 2: Open the app and log in to your account. Once you are logged in, choose “Menu.” You will find it in the top-left corner of your screen.

Step 3: You will see a dropdown menu. In this section, choose the “Red Card” option.

Step 4: Enter the six-digit Delight number of your DoorDash red card and its last four digits that are present on the front of the card.

Activation On iPhone

If you are using an iPhone and you want to activate your Door Dash red card, here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Install the DoorDash Dasher app from your App Store.

Step 2: Open the app and log in to your account. Once you are logged in, choose “Account.”

Step 3: Tap on the “Did DoorDash give you a payment card?” option at the top of the screen.

Step 4: Enter the Delight number of your DoorDash red card and its last four digits in the given section.

Summing Up

Hope this article was helpful for you in learning about the DoorDash red card. If you want to set up the red card on your Dasher app, make sure to follow the steps mentioned above. However, if you face further problems, consider contacting DoorDash support. Do you have further suggestions? Please share your ideas with us in the comments below.

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