PC Sales To Rise In 2024 With AI Integration And Device Upgrades

PC Sales To Rise

In 2023, there has been a slump in the sales of computers. However, according to many market research firms, this can end in 2024 as consumers are interested in buying newer PCs. The growth will be 8% in 2024, as customers will like to upgrade their PCs with AI-capable devices. Also, the AI boom will boost PC sales as consumers are interested in AI features.

Hence, the lack of sales of personal computers will end as consumers are set to buy newer PCs. They want new devices consisting of artificially intelligent features. Hence, there shall be a further boost in demand for PCs.

Ben Caddy and Kieren Jessop, the analysts at Canalys, said – “At the end of a difficult year for the PC market, there is finally reason for optimism. Canalys expects the PC market to return to growth of 8% in 2024 as customers look to refresh the PCs of the pandemic era and new AI-capable devices emerge. (source)”

The IDC says that there is a pressing demand for migrating toward Windows 11. According to IDC, the PC market has the capability to grow by 3.4% in 2024, as compared to 2023. The IDC also said that 2020 was the biggest year of PC sales since 2010. Basically, the rise in PC sales was due to remote work and learning culture during the pandemic.

IDC reports – “With shipments totaling 68.5 million units in the third quarter of 2023, the global PC market managed to outperform expectations. But that volume was still down 7.2% compared to the same quarter in 2022.”Since 2022, there has been a significant quarterly decline due to macroeconomic headwinds, commercial demand, and weak retail. Also, the market’s IT budgets are shifting away from device purchases.

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